Meet your Parenting Coordinators

Dr Purcell holds a PhD in Developmental Psycholinguistics and a Masters of Education, Human Development and Psychology. She did her graduate studies at Harvard University in the US and The University of Queensland in Australia. Anne’s main areas of expertise are educational psychology, communication patterns, the neuroscience of conflict, and parenting styles and their impact on child development.
Anne has worked with more than a thousand families experiencing divorce, separation and family transition. She has a particular interest in high-conflict matters and non-traditional or alternative family structures. In addition, she works on estate or succession disputes, and intergenerational family conflict.
She also assists companies and corporations to reduce workplace conflict and increase productivity.
Anne has trained professionals around the world in alternatives to traditional dispute resolution and litigation processes. Her focus is on healthy children after divorce, and on-going respectful relationships between separated couples, families and colleagues.
Courses, Qualifications & Experience:
- Mediation Certificate - Bond University
- Family Dispute Resolution Practitioner Certificate - Relationships Australia
- Vocational Graduate Diploma in Family Dispute Resolution Attorney-General’s Department
- Collaborative Law Training - QLD Collaborative Law and IACP
- Postgraduate - Harvard University, MA, USA and The University of Queensland, Australia
- Undergraduate - The University of Queensland, Australia

Courses, Qualifications & Experience:
- Bachelor of Laws (QUT) 1985
- Accredited Family Law Specialist (1996)
- Nationally Accredited Mediator
- Collaborative Lawyer and Trainer
- Nationally Accredited Arbitrator
- Parenting Coordinator

Courses, Qualifications & Experience:
- Graduate Diploma in Applied Law (Family Law) - Current - College of Law
- Bachelor of Social Work (BSW) - 2008 - 2009 - La Trobe University
- Bachelor of Laws and Legal Practice (LLB/LP) - 1999 - 2004 - Flinders University
- Parenting Coordination Training - (August 2024) - Parenting Coordination Australia
- National Mediation Accreditation Standards (NMAS) Training - (February - March 2023) - Dispute Settlement Centre of Victoria
- Practice Management Course - (February 2023)- Law Institute of Victoria
- Family Dispute Resolution Training - (May 2009)- Relationships Australia
- Child Inclusive Practice Training - (2007) - Family Transitions

Courses, Qualifications & Experience:
- Juris Doctor
- Bachelor of Arts
- Board Director of The Kidman Centre
- Law Society NSW, member
- Family Law Section, member

Courses, Qualifications & Experience:
- Mediator
- Family Dispute Resolution Practitioner (FDRP)

Courses, Qualifications & Experience:
- Master of Laws (Applied Law) Major in Family Dispute Resolution Practice
- Post Graduate Diploma Legal Practice
- Bachelor of Laws
- Certificate IV - Training and Assessment
- Registered FDRP
- AMDRAS Accredited Mediator
- Parenting Coordination Australia trained

Courses, Qualifications & Experience:
- Clinical Psychologist Bsc Psych (HONS) MPsych (MAPS)
- Parenting Coordinator

Courses, Qualifications & Experience:
- Bachelor of Laws
- Bachelor of Music (Piano Performance)
- Diploma of Languages (Indonesian Language & Culture)
- Graduate Diploma of Legal Practice
- Admissions to the Supreme Court of Victoria & High Court of Australia
- Certificate of Parenting Coordination

Courses, Qualifications & Experience:
- Collaborative Lawyer & Coach
- Masters of Family Law
- Attorney General Registered FDRP
- NMAS registered Mediator
- Graduate Diploma of Family Dispute Resolution
- Bachelor of Laws
- Bachelor of Education
- Diploma of Teaching

Courses, Qualifications & Experience:
- Family Lawyer
- Parenting Coordinator
- Bachelor of Laws
- Bachelor of Psychological Science

Courses, Qualifications & Experience:
- Family Lawyer
- Accredited Family Law Mediator
- Accredited Family Law Arbitrator
- Accredited Specialist, Family Law
- Family Dispute Resolution Practitioner
- Collaborative Practice Coach

Courses, Qualifications & Experience:
- Bachelor of Psychological Science (Counselling)
- Master of Counselling & Psychotherapy
- Postgraduate Diploma in Family Dispute Resolution

Courses, Qualifications & Experience:
- Diploma of Law (LPAB)
- Graduate Diploma of Legal Practice
- Master of Applied Law (Family Law)
- Bachelor of Education
- Collaborative Practitioner
- Legal Aid Panel - Independent Children's Lawyer
- Member of Law Society of NSW
- Member of the Family Law Section
- Member of the Women Lawyers' Association of NSW
- Member of Australian Association of Collaborative Professionals

Courses, Qualifications & Experience:
- Bachelor of Laws/Bachelor of Economics
- Master of Laws
- Master of Business Administration
- Graduate Diploma of Family Dispute Resolution
- Accredited Family Law Specialist

Courses, Qualifications & Experience:
- Accredited Family Law Arbitrator
- Divorce Coach
- Child Inclusive Mediator
- Family Dispute Resolution Practitioner

Courses, Qualifications & Experience:
- Founder of The Divorce Centre
- Divorce Coach
- Family Dispute Resolution Practitioner
- NMAS Mediator
- Parenting Coordinator
- Divorce Conflict Coach
- Conflicted Parenting Coach

Courses, Qualifications & Experience:
- Parenting Coordination Australia 2021
- Advanced Collaborative Training with Clarissa Rayward 2019
- Independent Children's Lawyer - Law Council of Australia and National Legal Aid 2015
- Admitted to the Supreme Court of South Australia 2013
- GDLP Australian National University & Charles Darwin University 2008

Courses, Qualifications & Experience:
- Family Lawyer

Courses, Qualifications & Experience:
- Bachelor of Science majoring in Psychology
- Parenting Coordination Australia Course Graduate
- Parenting Coordination Australia Course Graduate

Courses, Qualifications & Experience:
- Barrister
- Family Lawyer
- Mediator
- Independent Children's Lawyer

Courses, Qualifications & Experience:
- Bachelor of Laws
- Bachelor of Financial Administration
- Graduate Diploma of Legal Practice
- Parenting Coordinator

Courses, Qualifications & Experience:
- Juris Doctor (Honours)
- Bachelor of Business (Finance)
- Graduate Diploma of Legal Practice
- Family Dispute Resolution Practitioner
- Collaborative Practitioner
- Law Council of Australia - Family Law Section
- ACT Law Society
- ACT Law Society Family Violence and Children's Committee
- Family Law Pathways Network - ACT & Region
- Australian Association of Collaborative Professionals

Courses, Qualifications & Experience:
- Family Lawyer
- Family Dispute Resolution Practitioner
- Nationally Accredited Mediator
- NSW Accredited Specialist in Family Law

Courses, Qualifications & Experience:
- Registered Psychologist
- Family Dispute Resolution Practitioner
- Bachelor of Behavioural Science (Psychology)
- Bachelor of Applied Science (Const. Mgt)
- Graduate Diploma of Psychology
- Graduate Diploma of Family Dispute Resolution

Courses, Qualifications & Experience:
- Family Lawyer
- Mediator
- Family Dispute Resolution Practitioner

Courses, Qualifications & Experience:
- Mediator
- Family Dispute Resolution Practitioner
- Postgraduate Certificate in Family Dispute Resolution
- Master of Social Policy
- Postgraduate Certificate of Child Protection Practice
- Bachelor of Early Childhood Studies

Courses, Qualifications & Experience:
- Bachelor of Laws
- Bachelor of Science
- Collaborative Practitioner
- National Accredited Mediator
- Family Dispute Resolution Practitioner
- Family Law Practitioner's Association
- Accredited Specialist in Family Law
- Legal Practitioner Director and Solicitor managing Family Law Group Solicitors

Courses, Qualifications & Experience:
- Family Lawyer
- Accredited Family Law Mediator
- Accredited Family Law Arbitrator
- Accredited Specialist Family Law
- Family Dispute Resolution Practitioner
- Collaborative Practice Coach

Courses, Qualifications & Experience:
- Ba Behavioural Studies
- Doctorate of Juris Prudence
- Family Dispute Resolution Practitioner / NMAS Mediator

Courses, Qualifications & Experience:
- Bachelor of Laws (Hons)
- Diploma of Psychology
- Master of Laws (Advanced Legal Practice)
- Accredited Family Law Specialist (LIV)
- Nationally Accredited Mediator

Courses, Qualifications & Experience:
- PhD Psychology
- Masters in Applied Law (Family Law)
- Diploma in Laws
- Bachelor of Psychology

Courses, Qualifications & Experience:
- Bachelor of Laws
- Bachelor of Arts
- Graduate Diploma of Social Science (Human Services - Counselling)
- Collaborative Lawyer

Courses, Qualifications & Experience:
- Parenting Coordinator
- Family Dispute Resolution Practitioner
- Nationally Accredited Mediator
- Bachelor of Laws
- Master of Laws (Applied Law) FDRP & Family Law
- Graduate Diploma of Legal Practice

Courses, Qualifications & Experience:
- Accredited Family Law Specialist
- Registered Family Dispute Resolution Practitioner
- Accredited Mediator
- Collaborative Lawyer

Courses, Qualifications & Experience:
- Family Dispute Resolution Practitioner
- Counselling and Family Therapy
- Parenting Co-ordination
- Children Beyond Dispute - Professor Jen McIntosh
- Nationally Accredited Mediator
- Collaborative Law in the Family Law jurisdiction
- Preliminary Family and Parenting Short Reports
- UWS Lecturer in Family Dispute Resolution and Alternative Dispute Resolution
- Court Ordered (FCFCOA) Family Therapy

Courses, Qualifications & Experience:
- Family Law Barrister and Solicitor
- Collaborative Lawyer
- Nationally Accredited Mediator

Courses, Qualifications & Experience:
- Bachelor of Laws & Graduate Diploma of Legal Practice
- Bachelor of Social Work
- Accredited Family Law Specialist
- Nationally Accredited Mediator & Registered Family Dispute Resolution Practitioner
- Independent Children’s Lawyer & Separate Representative Children’s Court
- Parenting Coordinator
- Member of the Collaborative Law Association of Queensland
- Member of the Law Council of Australia (Family Law Section)
- Member of the Queensland Law Society & Family Law Practitioners Association
- Admitted Solicitor in the Supreme Court of Queensland & High Court of Australia

Courses, Qualifications & Experience:
- Grad Dip LP
- Parenting Coordinator

Courses, Qualifications & Experience:
- Parenting Coordinator
- Mediator (NMAS)
- Family Group Conference Organiser
- Arbitrator
- Lawyer

Courses, Qualifications & Experience:
- Case Manager in Post Separation Cooperative Parenting (2012 – 2021)
- Retired teacher (primary & secondary English) 1979 - 2010
- Parenting Coordinator (Parenting Coordination Australia)
- Managing High Conflict Personalities (Megan Hunter) 2016

Courses, Qualifications & Experience:
- Registered Psychologist (AHPRA, APS)
- Family Dispute Resolution Practitioner (FDRP)
- Parenting Coordinator Australia
- Bachelor of Psychology (Hons)
- Graduate Diploma of Family Dispute Resolution
- Certificate IV Small Business Management

Courses, Qualifications & Experience:
- Bachelor of Laws
- Masters of Applied Law (Family Law)
- Bachelor of Legal Studies
- Independent Children's Lawyer Certification
- Certificate of Child Aware Practice

Courses, Qualifications & Experience:

Courses, Qualifications & Experience:
- Accredited Mediator (NMAS)
- Family Lawyer
- Accredited Arbitrator (AIFLAM)
- Diploma in Legal Professional Skills, Inns of Court School of Law, London
- MA and BA (Hons) Law, University of Cambridge

Courses, Qualifications & Experience:
- Parenting Co-ordinator - Parenting Coordination Australia
- Vocational Graduate Diploma in Family Dispute Resolution - Relationships Australia
- Masters of Social Work – Charles Sturt University
- Graduate Diploma Couple & Family Therapy – UNSW
- Bachelor of Social Work – CSU

Courses, Qualifications & Experience:
- Registered Family Dispute Resolution Practitioner (since 2011)
- Independent Children's Lawyer (since 2014)
- Parenting Coordinator
- Accredited Specialist, Family Law (since 2002)
- Trained in Collaborative Law

Courses, Qualifications & Experience:
- LLB (Hons)
- LLM (Dispute Resolution)

Courses, Qualifications & Experience:
- Master of Laws in Applied Family Law
- Coaches Mediation and Dispute Resolution
- Awarded PhD Equivalence in Law at RMIT
- Nationally Accredited Mediator
- Family Dispute Resolution Practitioner

Courses, Qualifications & Experience:
- Bachelor of Laws Degree
- Diploma of Legal Practice
- Certificate of Parenting Coordination
- Legal Aid Panel - Family Law
- Member of the Family Law Section of the Law Council of Australia

Courses, Qualifications & Experience:
- Family Dispute Resolution Practitioner (FDRP)
- Nationally Accredited Mediator
- Collaborative Trained Professional
- Master of Laws (Dispute Resolution)

Courses, Qualifications & Experience:
- Master of Conflict Management and Resolution
- Family Dispute Resolution Practitioner
- Accredited Mediator
- Parenting Coordinator

Courses, Qualifications & Experience:
- Bachelor of Law/Bachelor of Commerce, Griffith University
- Graduate Diploma in Legal Practice, College of Law, Queensland
- Solicitor of the Supreme Court of Queensland
- Solicitor of the High Court of Australia
- Member of Family Law Practitioners Association

Courses, Qualifications & Experience:
- Lawyer and collaborative professional
- LLB (Hons) BCom (Politics)
- Member of Family Law Practitioners Association, Queensland Association of Collaborative
- Professionals, Association of Family and Conciliation Courts and Parenting Coordination Australia

Courses, Qualifications & Experience:
- Doctorate of Psychology (Clinical Psychology) (DPsych)
- Master of Psychology (Clinical) Equivalent
- Bachelor of Psychology
- Bachelor of Legal Studies (Family Law and Dispute Resolution)
- Family Dispute Resolution Practitioner
- Parenting Coordinator

Courses, Qualifications & Experience:
- Family Lawyer
- Mediator
- Family Dispute Resolution Practitioner (FDRP)
- Independent Children's Lawyer

Courses, Qualifications & Experience:

Courses, Qualifications & Experience:
- Parenting Coordinator
- Family Dispute Resolution Practitioner
- Nationally Accredited Mediator
- Australian Lawyer
- Collaborative Coach
- Queensland Association of Collaborative Practitioners
- Family Law Practitioners Association
- Family Law Pathways Network
- Resolution Institute
- Australian Mediation Association

Courses, Qualifications & Experience:
- Bachelor of Law
- Graduate Diploma in Legal Practice
- Masters of Applied Law (Family Law)
- Collaborative Solicitor
- Parenting Coordinator

Courses, Qualifications & Experience:
- Bachelor of Laws (Honours) (1996)
- Bachelor of Commerce (1996)
- Nationally Accredited Mediator (2003)
- Appointment as an Independent Childrens Lawyer (2003)
- Family Dispute Resolution Practitioner
- Collaboratively Trained Practitioner
- Parenting Coordinator
- Collaboratively Trained Practitioner
- Principal Practicing Certificate (2010)
- Parenting Coordination Certificate 2021

Courses, Qualifications & Experience:
- Bachelor of Laws (LLB)
- Grad. Dip. in Practical Legal Training
- Parenting Co Ordinator

Courses, Qualifications & Experience:
- Bachelor of Laws (Hons)
- Post Graduate Diploma in Legal Practice
- Bachelor of Social Work
- Master of Social Work
- Graduate Diploma in Family Dispute Resolution
- Registered Family Dispute Resolution Practitioner, Australia
- Nationally Accredited Mediator, Australia
- Accredited Family & General Mediator and Supervisor, Hong Kong
- Accredited Arbitrator, Australia
- Trained Parenting Coordinator, Association of Family Courts and Conciliation (AFCC) compliant

Courses, Qualifications & Experience:
- Family Law Solicitor
- Family Dispute Resolution Practitioner (FDRP)
- Dual Master of Family Law and Family Dispute Resolution
- Dual Bachelor of Laws (Honours) and Bachelor of Arts
- Certificate in Parenting Coordination

Courses, Qualifications & Experience:
- Bachelor of Laws (LLB) - The University of Queensland
- Master of Laws (LLM) - The Australian National University
- Nationally Accredited Mediator
- Aiflam Member and Accredited Mediator

Courses, Qualifications & Experience:
- Graduate Diploma of Family Dispute Resolution
- Registered Psychologist (APS, AHPRA)
- NMAS registered mediator
- Child Inclusive practice
- Smart recovery facilitator / Addiction specialist

Courses, Qualifications & Experience:
- Bachelor of Laws
- Bachelor of Commerce (majored in Human Resource management)
- Graduate Diploma of Legal Practice (PLT)
- Certificate of Legal Business Skills from the College of Law
- Masters in Applied Law (Family Law) & (majoring in Family Dispute Resolution Practice)

Courses, Qualifications & Experience:
- Bachelor of Art, Hons (Psychology), Deakin University 1998
- Post-graduate Certificate in Developmental Trauma, Australian Childhood Foundation, 2014
- Certificate: High Conflict Coparenting: Interventions for Children's Alignment and Resistance 2019-2020, William James College, USA.

Courses, Qualifications & Experience:
- Accredited Specialist Family Lawyer
- Collaborative Family Lawyer
- Parenting Coordinator
- Member International Academy of Family Lawyers
- Board Member, Australian Association of Collaborative Professionals
- Member, NSW Law Society

Courses, Qualifications & Experience:
- Mediator
- Family Dispute Resolution Practitioner
- Independent Children's Lawyer
- Bachelor of Laws (Honours)
- Bachelor of Journalism
- Accredited Family Law Specialist
- Parenting Coordinator
- Member of the Queensland Law Society & Family Law Practitioners Association
- Member of the Collaborative Law Association of Queensland
- Admitted Solicitor in the Supreme Court of Queensland & High Court of Australia

Courses, Qualifications & Experience:
- Nationally Accredited Mediator
- Cinergy Conflict Coach
- Registered Family Dispute Resolution Practitioner
- Parenting Coordinator
- Neuro-Linguistic and Neuro-Semantics Master Practitioner
- Neuro-Linguistic and Neuro-Semantics Master Practitioner
- Justice of the Peace
- Fellow of the Institute of Legal Executives
- Child Inclusive Practice

Courses, Qualifications & Experience:
- FDRP - College of Law
- GDLP - Adelaide University
- LLB- Charles Darwin University
- MA Education (TESOL) - University of South Australia
- Grad.Dip. Ed. - Adelaide University
- Bachelor of Music with Honours in Ethnomusicology - Adelaide University

Courses, Qualifications & Experience:
- Bachelor of Law
- Bachelor of Social Work
- Accredited Family Law Specialist
- Accredited Family Dispute Resolution Practitioner
- Accredited Mediator

Courses, Qualifications & Experience:
- Accredited Family Dispute Resolution Practitioner and Mediator
- Child Inclusive Practice Consultant
- Parenting Coordinator
- Interdisciplinary Collaborative Practice Family Professional and Coach
- Interdisciplinary Collaborative Practice Family Professional and Coach
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- Phone:
- 1300 449 851
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- Hours:
- Mon-Fri 8:30AM – 5PM
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